10 Best Shopify Ecommerce Themes To Start An Online Business 

10 Best Shopify Ecommerce Themes To Start An Online Business

With the recent boom of online shopping, there are many brick-and-mortar stores switching to the digital marketplace. The number of new merchants rises significantly, leading to the urgent need for appropriate eCommerce themes to start an online store.

With entrepreneurs or businesses choosing Shopify to start their online sales, the selection of a Shopify eCommerce theme is crucial to have a good beginning. If you are wondering which option to consider among the hundreds available, read till the end of this article to explore the 10 best Shopify eCommerce themes in 2024.

10 Best Shopify Ecommerce Themes | 2024 Update

Before we investigate the details of the 10 best ecommerce Shopify themes, let’s take a look at the quick comparison table below to get a brief of the introduced options:

Theme name Price Website Reviews
Eurus $230 Shopify 98% positive
Taiga $380 Shopify 100% positive
Paper $320 Shopify 86% positive
Icon $280 Shopify 93% positive
Kalles $89 ThemeForest 99% positive
Minimog  $88 ThemeForest 99% positive
Porto $59 ThemeForest 98% positive
Dawn Free Shopify 32% positive
Craft Free Shopify 62% positive
Origin Free Shopify 25% positive

Now, we will move on with a detailed analysis of the best shopify theme for ecommerce, including their key features, pros, and cons. 

1. Eurus

Despite being released not too long ago (in April 2023), Eurus has been on the list of the best ecommerce shopify themes, with millions of users using and leaving good reviews about its quality. With a fast-loading speed, mobile-friendly interface, and rich built-in features, Eurus delivers everything you need to start, develop, and upgrade your online eCommerce business.

Eurus - best shopify ecommerce themes

Eurus enables the unlimited free trial to allow users to test its functions first before making the purchase decision. Moreover, users can receive lifetime support for any problem with their theme experience. Be certain to utilize the theme as it updates on a regular basis so that your store will never be outdated.

Key features:

  • Dark/ Light switch mode: The auto-switching mode of Dark/ Light allows stores to showcase the products in the most attractive way. 
  • Visual Swatches: Store merchants can set up different color choices for their products to diversify the available choices to clients. 
  • Estimated Shipping Rate: For customers in different nations or regions, the estimated shipping rate can assist them in calculating the exact delivery fee for their orders.
  • Product Displaying: Multiple advanced product displaying tools are available inside the Eurus theme to help merchants create a distinguished presentation for their items. Some main functions include image galleries, lookbooks, flash sales, recently-viewed items, etc.
  • Cart & Checkout Customization: This customization enables a seamless purchase & checkout for all clients within the shortest time possible. The functions include cart notes, in-store pickups, gift wrapping, pre-order/ re-order, etc. 
  • Marketing & SEO tools: Blogs, countdown-timers, keyword research, cross-selling, etc., are some of the standard marketing tools that Eurus theme offers to boost your store’s ranking in the popular search engine.
  • Event Calendar Reminder: Merchants are reminded about the upcoming sales events, which helps them to schedule appropriate promotional programs and sales occasions to boost the conversion rate & engagement rate of stores’ customers.


  • Fast-loading time 
  • Mobile-friendly user interface
  • Reasonable pricing compared to other paid themes
  • Lifetime updates with instant customer support
  • Feature-rich without the usage of other supported apps
  • Free store setup and design consulting


  • Not a free theme option
  • Initial learning curve obstacles

2. Taiga

The 2nd choice we are going to introduce is Taiga – one of the best Shopify eCommerce themes created by Woolman, a very popular Shopify Plus agency. The theme is tailored for brands that focus on delivering a free, high-quality shopping experience to clients.

Taiga - one of best shopify theme for ecommerce

Key features:

  • Dynamic content sections (countdown timers, featured looks): These innovative elements can provide merchants with different methods to introduce stores’ products, content, etc., to customers. 
  • Streamlined checkout quick-buy feature: This feature enables clients to bypass the product browsing & searching process and head straight to the checkout stage, which helps reduce cart abandonment and boost the conversion rate. 
  • Extensive multimedia display sections (over 10 display options like images/video introductions): Store owners can showcase their items/ goods in detail through various types of formats like images, video introductions, lookbooks, and galleries. 


  • Minimalist design aesthetics
  • Seamless navigation interface
  • Enhanced mobile responsiveness


  • Limited customization options
  • Fewer pre-built layouts

3. Paper

Paper is an excellent eCommerce theme with some major advantages like abundant features, easy-to-navigate sections, fast loading speed, mobile-friendly, etc. The theme is preferred due to its capabilities for merchants to highlight their products in the most appealing ways.

Paper shopify theme

Key features:

  • Multilingual EU support (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish): This function is beneficial in case you aim to go global into other foreign nations. The language support will automatically set the store’s language based on the market in which your store appears. 
  • Mandatory age verification: The age verification and restriction help store merchants set up rules for people who are eligible to purchase specific products and avoid the irrelevant customer audience to aim towards your products.
  • Enhanced product discovery (filtering and sorting): The user purchasing experience will be enhanced significantly as they can utilize the filters/ sorters to scan their desired items based on specific criteria. Later on, customers can make the purchase much quicker.


  • Lightweight code for fast loading
  • Intuitive setup process
  • Eco-friendly design theme


  • Basic functionality for advanced users
  • Limited third-party app integrations

4. Icon

The Icon theme focuses mainly on delivering numerous presets to help users showcase storefronts & stores’ products in a unified, unique way. Customers can find everything they need in the stores directly in the homepage area. 

Icon - shopify theme

Key features:

  • Integrated OS2 color swatch filtering: The OS2 color swatching function helps stores add more visual design elements to the storefront to attract customers towards specific goods/ services within the stores. 
  • Tailorable contact form: This is a common method for online stores to gather crucial information from the clients and take advantage of that data to take care/ tribute their customer segments effectively. 
  • Notification service for restocked items: This notification mode can keep informing customers about the product availability to encourage them to come back for shopping or maybe hunt for promotional sales whenever the items are back in stock.


  • High-quality visual storytelling
  • Advanced social media integration
  • Dynamic content sections


  • Higher complexity in customization
  • Potentially overwhelming for new users

5. Kalles

Kalles is currently one of the best Shopify eCommerce themes that focuses on delivering a seamless shopping experience for customers of your stores. The theme presents a minimal but contemporary design style, which is suitable for either new stores or existing brands. 


Key features:

  • Diverse home page configurations (over 50 options): There are up to 50+ homepage customization options to allow online stores to tailor their storefront in the most engaging, impressive way. 
  • Product page upselling blocks: In order to raise the overall value of customer orders, merchants can add the complementary product suggestion feature right next to the product boxes to provoke customers to buy more.
  • Interactive product pages (3D, images, videos): The 1st look toward products can have a huge influence on the customer’s buying decision. As a result, equipping interactive product pages with high-resolution images, video engagement, and 3D slideshows can help you create a good impression on clients’ first view.


  • A wide array of pre-designed demos
  • Comprehensive product filtering
  • High conversion rate optimizations


  • Some features may require additional plugins
  • A steeper learning curve for setup

>> Some useful  related articles:

6. Minimog 

Minimog is designed to cater to medium-to-large online businesses that operate in various business niches. The theme offers a modern but sophisticated style to help brands showcase all of their products/ resources within the storefront.

Minimog - one of the best best ecommerce shopify themes

Key features:

  • Multiple collection display tabs: If your store has multiple products within a single category, you can use this function to group them into a specific collection to help simplify customers’ navigation, and customers are likely to discover their wanted items quicker. 
  • Wide template selection (80+ available) for custom store creation: With the vast array of 80+ design options, merchants can compare those pre-made designs and pick the best one to decorate their storefront.
  • Pre-installed functions (upsells, pre-orders, stock countdowns, shipping goals, discounts): All of these features are established to support stores with the improvement of marketing & sales operations and assist stores in rising their core statistics. 


  • Massive feature set for eCommerce
  • Direct-to-consumer marketing tools
  • Fast performance and load times


  • Overwhelming options for beginners
  • Potential for bloat with unused features

7. Porto

Porto has long been one of the most favorite Shopify eCommerce themes introduced in the ThemeForest platform. With 31+ niche layouts & demos, you can customize your store layouts in a distinguished way. 

 Porto shopify theme

Key features:

  • Variety in collection and product detail display: Store merchants are provided numerous presentation presets to help them organize products & collection displays in the desired way. 
  • User-centric design and interface with regular updates: The latest UX trends and design functions can be updated on a regular basis to gradually enhance customer shopping experience to match brand aesthetics.
  • SEO-supported features: The theme also brings some built-in SEO tools like keyword analysis, performance analytics, schema setting, etc., to help improve stores’ positions in search engines like Google, Bing, etc. 


  • Multipurpose design versatility
  • Professional and clean layouts
  • Extensive ecommerce features


  • Slight learning curve for customization
  • It may require fine-tuning for speed optimization

>>> See more about: Porto Shopify Theme Review

8. Dawn

While being one of the best free Shopify themes available from the beginning, the Dawn theme still be able to support online stores with every basic function they need to create and operate such business. It constantly updates to deliver users with the most useful features, while keeping its minimalist style as its signature point.

Dawn shopfiy theme

Key features:

  • Content-rich blogs: You can share your brand stories, news, updates, loyal programs, etc., to raise awareness towards your business and encourage customers to interact actively with your store.
  • Ultra-high-definition imagery: This feature allows merchants to showcase the store’s products in the best conditions (appropriate light, high-resolution, parallax adding, etc.), which helps bring the best visual quality to draw customer’s attention.
  • Consumer reviews integration: The review area is an indispensable part of any online store wishing to build trust and credibility through the usage community. Direct customer feedback on the product pages can provoke the buying decisions of other clients effectively.


  • Modern, clean design
  • Optimized for performance and speed
  • Native integration with Shopify’s features


  • Limited scope for heavy customization
  • Fewer niche-specific design options

>>> Let’s check Shopify Dawn Theme vs. Eurus Theme Full Comparison

9. Craft

While it may not be the best Shopify ecommerce theme, Craft is still a good theme with elegant typography and modern visuals. This free theme is appropriate for particular business niches like handmade, artisan, home & decor.

Craft shopify theme

Key features:

  • Extensive catalog navigation mega menus: The multi-layer mega menu allows brands to arrange products into large catalogs, making it less complicated for clients to explore the exact products they need through structured navigation. 
  • Gallery and video-rich product marketing: The theme allows brands to create image galleries and video introductions that highlight their own signature products, which can enlarge brand engagement and appearance on social networking.
  • Personalized shopping cart notes: Customers can add particular messages or reminders on their orders to make sure merchants can fulfill those requirements, which ultimately creates satisfaction over the shopping progress.


  • Artisanal and niche market appeal
  • Focus on brand storytelling
  • User-friendly design interface


  • Not suited for large inventory stores
  • It may lack some advanced ecommerce features

10. Origin

In contrast with the Dawn or Craft theme, Origin is a style eCommerce Shopify theme targeting at high-end and luxury online brands. The design layout it offers can be very complicated and contemporary at the same time. 

Origin shopify theme

Key features:

  • Elegant image galleries: Store owners are given different pre-set layouts to display product images most appealingly. Customers are likely to focus on such beautiful images first when they view your store and make purchases based on such impressions.
  • Product highlight videos: When viewing the products in action with clear explanations of their usage and visuals, customers can generate quicker purchase choices. 
  • Sophisticated search functionality: The advanced search function allows shoppers to quickly locate the products that match their demands. 


  • Deep focus on visual products
  • Excellent for portfolio and storytelling
  • Streamlined customer journey


  • Less flexibility for non-visual products
  • It might require custom development for full potential

How to identify a good Shopify eCommerce theme?

Since there are a variety of choices available besides the top 10 themes we introduced above, the real question here is: How to pick the best Shopify theme for ecommerce?

Luckily, we have some experience in choosing these types of themes since we have been in this competitive field for more than 7 years. Let us give you some hacks to give you useful ideas on choosing the most suitable Shopify eCommerce themes for your online stores:

  • Business category: Each theme only serves best for one or several business categories. So at first, you should be clear with your business niche (like clothing, cosmetics, beauty, etc.) and then select the themes that are available for stores within such niche.
  • Budgeting: The amount of money you spend on the theme can determine the type you want. Free themes are a good way to start, but they only contain basic features and lack of advanced customization options. Paid themes, on the other hand, can support more demands on the store customization & operation process. 
  • Built-in features: You should prioritize the integrated features that are crucial for your business only and ignore the rest. Some key features that most online businesses require in their eCommerce themes include design layouts, fast loading times, mega menus, promo banners, etc. 
  • Theme provider: Selecting a trustworthy and experienced theme provider will shorten your search time for the best ecommerce Shopify themes. Like BSS Commerce or any valid theme provider, you can choose themes for these partners to make sure they are in the best shape, and best quality.

In conclusion

So far, we have managed to introduce the 10 best Shopify eCommerce themes to help you get a good start on building an online store. Remember to combine your demands with our suggested tips to make the final decision wisely. 

Seeking the ideal theme for your Shopify theme? Follow us at OmniThemes to stay updated on our latest posts regarding Shopify themes.

