Shopify Turbo Theme Review: Features, Advantages & Disadvantages 

shopify turbo theme review

It can be difficult to choose the best Shopify theme for ecommerce. There are thousands of options available, ranging from low-cost to high-end, including third-party platforms and the Shopify collection. Choosing a theme that fits your brand’s values, budget, and specific needs requires time and research.

In this article, we put the Shopify Turbo theme to the test to see if it deserves to be one of the best Shopify themes. We examine the characteristics that distinguish Turbo and identify areas for improvement. To assist you in making a decision, we strive to provide an unbiased assessment that covers everything from features and design to cost.

Shopify Turbo Theme: Overview

What is The Turbo Theme ?

Out of the Sandbox’s Shopify Turbo theme is a high-end powerhouse. This theme isn’t your typical one, it’s a speed demon made for high-end stores. In order to maintain customer attention and boost conversion rates, Turbo places a high priority on lightning-fast loading speeds.

Apart from offering several functionalities like interactive carts, large menus, and product sliders, Turbo also facilitates a great deal of customization. With this degree of adaptability and flexibility, Turbo is positioned as a premium theme and is perfect for anybody looking to develop a distinctive, successful online store that produces leads.

Shopify Turbo Theme Presets

Turbo Shopify has 6 distinct theme presets. These presets span a variety of design aesthetics, allowing you to select a foundation that is consistent with your company identity. They serve as a starting point, and you can substantially tweak them to create a completely unique look and feel.


turbo theme for shopify review: Portland styles

For established businesses looking for a classic and classy image, Portland provides a polished basis with a modern twist. Consider luxury clothing boutiques, art galleries, and high-end furniture businesses.


turbo theme for shopify review

Seoul promotes elegant lines and a minimalist design aesthetic. Ideal for technology companies, modern fashion boutiques, or businesses displaying innovative items.


With its warm and inviting style, Florence captures the soul of Italian workmanship. A great choice for handcrafted jewelry stores, vintage shops, and enterprises that value tradition.


STyle Chicago shopify turbo theme review

Make a statement with Chicago’s bold and urban style. Ideal for streetwear firms, sports apparel outlets, and enterprises catering to a young and dynamic population.


STyle Dubai shopify turbo theme review

Use Dubai’s sumptuous and affluent feel to create a sense of grandeur. Ideal for high-end jewelry stores, designer fashion boutiques, and businesses selling high-quality products.


Perfect for coffee shops, craft breweries, and businesses that provide natural and organic products.


This amazing theme falls in the category of high-end class of theme at $425. This is a considered price for any business wanting to launch the online store immediately.

Let’s delve into the features review section below to see what Turbo brings to the table!

Shopify Turbo Theme: Features Review

EU Translations

 shopify turbo theme review

Numerous studies demonstrate that translating material in stores leads to a rise in sales. The most recent study by Webinar Care from 2024 states that a website with efficient translation would have a 30% boost in productivity. Building confidence in your brand may be achieved by offering translated menus, titles, and descriptions for your e-commerce product pages to improve the browsing experience.

Given the competitive rivalry in today’s industry, allowing your Turbo theme to be partially or totally licensed in the EU is the greatest approach to outperform your competitors. As the EU becomes the common language of your company and you are prepared to conduct business with the whole new universe of consumers, your worldwide customer base grows.

Product Filtering and Sorting

For any online store, sorting and product filtering are two must-have functions. assisting clients in finding the precise location and preventing them from becoming overwhelmed by the range of options. This is recognized by the Turbo theme for Shopify, which simplifies the shopping process with a feature-rich product filtering and sorting system.

Customers respond amazingly well to the turbo product filtering and sorting based on a variety of factors. containing a wide range of options, such as product kind, brand name, color, size, and price range. With POD (print on demand) brands, for instance, your consumer may quickly narrow down their search to get exactly what they’re searching for by easily finding any size (S, M, L), color (white, black, red, etc.), or variation.

Add CSS Customizations

Turbo Shopify enables you to design a truly unique online store that reflects your brand identity. The Custom CSS functionality is an important feature for accomplishing this. Custom CSS allows you to go beyond the pre-defined styles and make more precise adjustments.

The look and feel of your store can be carefully tailored to reflect your brand. Changing the colors, fonts, and layouts to create a consistent and visually appealing shopping experience. You can also apply CSS changes to specific elements within a section. This allows for precise modifications without affecting the overall design.

Custom CSS in Turbo Shopify provides a plethora of design options, but you should use it to create a unique brand experience, improve functionality, and fine-tune your store’s appearance. While there may be a learning curve, the ability to personalize your store and differentiate it from the competition makes Custom CSS an excellent tool for those who want complete design control.


Turbo’s cross-selling strategy effectively encourages clients to add more items to their cart, which boosts your revenue. With Turbo, you may have well chosen product recommendations shown on your product pages. Customers who are perusing a particular item are guaranteed to see related products that they might find interesting thanks to this careful placement.

Turbo provides the ability to highlight choices for upsells and downsells. Upsells offer more expensive variations of the product that a consumer is currently browsing, while downsells provide more reasonably priced options. For instance, Turbo might offer a more expensive smartwatch as an upsell or a more straightforward, less expensive watch as a downsell to someone who is looking at a basic watch.


Getting lost while shopping for a product? Do not let this happen to your online store’s clients. The Shopify Turbo Theme’s breadcrumb functionality functions as a miniature map, displaying clients’ actual location on your website at all times.

 shopify turbo theme review - Breadcrums

Breadcrumbs act as helpful guides for customers navigating your store. By providing a clear image of their location and simple navigation options, you allow visitors to confidently explore different sections of your store.

This not only lowers annoyance, but also encourages customers to explore your product categories more, maybe discovering hidden treasures they might have missed otherwise. Customers that locate what they want fast and simply are more likely to convert into paying customers, undoubtable that breadcrumbs are a valuable feature to build the perfect user experience.

Shipping/delivery Information

Any online company must establish trust, and one of the most key factors is communicating clearly about shipment and delivery. This is recognized by the Turbo theme for Shopify, which provides tools to show your shipping and delivery details in an efficient manner. It is simple to include this data into already-existing pages, such as your product pages, footer, or a special “Shipping & Delivery” page in your navigation.

Turbo decreases uncertainty and lowers the volume of customer support requests about shipping costs and delays by providing clear and easily accessible shipping information. By making shipping information easily accessible, you may build brand confidence and encourage customers to finish their transactions. Because they are aware of the shipping charges and projected delivery timeframes, your consumers will be less likely to hesitate throughout the checkout process, which might result in greater conversion rates.

Effective communication in this area builds trust, reduces customer service workload, and can ultimately contribute to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Advanced Mega Menus

A seamless user experience is Turbo Shopify’s top priority, and the Advanced Menu options are essential to achieve this. Beyond the typical dropdown menus present in many themes, Turbo offers more. It builds complex menu structures with several columns that let you arrange a lot of links, categories, and subcategories in an easy-to-navigate manner.

Furthermore, you may tailor the appearance and feel of your menus to reflect your corporate identity. Control colors, fonts, layouts, and hover effects to ensure a consistent visual experience across your store. These components are well-suited for subcategories inside mega menus or sections with fewer connections.

advanced mega menu

Turbo Shopify’s extensive menu capabilities allow you to design sensible and visually attractive navigation for your online business. This results in a better user experience, enhanced SEO, and perhaps more revenue. By providing clear and structured menus, you can assist consumers navigate your business with ease, finding what they need and ultimately achieving their buying goals.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Shopify Turbo Theme


Diverse Presets

With its six different pre-designed themes, each with its own unique style and feel, Turbo Shopify gives you a lot of power. This variant meets the needs of a larger spectrum of clients and enterprises. Imagine exhibiting jewelry made by hand with a hint of “Florence’s” grace, or using “Seoul’s” clean modernism to further your tech brand. These settings serve as launchpads for personalization rather than merely being places to start.

Companies gain from the effectiveness of a premade theme that complements their brand and permits customization. Customers therefore come upon a store that suits their tastes, creating a more favorable first impression and possibly culminating in a more pleasurable shopping session. You may have the best of both worlds with Turbo Shopify: a wide range of pre-designed themes and the flexibility to create a truly unique online store.

High Performance Website

We are all aware of how important having a quick website is to operators of online stores. People detest waiting, therefore you risk losing a customer if your website loads more slowly than three seconds.

You have two speed settings with Turbo are Sport and Ludicrous. Both of them strive to maintain your website’s blazing speed and fluidity. The primary distinction is that Sport preloads those sites based on its ability to forecast where users will click next. Upon a customer’s click, the page is pre-loaded and operational.

Regular Updates

A flexible theme is necessary to keep your online store ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce. Turbo Shopify puts this first by providing frequent upgrades, so you get a number of important benefits. These upgrades frequently include new features and functionalities that let you take advantage of the newest e-commerce trends and advancements. This might be anything from better mobile responsiveness to more options for filtering products.

Turbo’s dedication to frequent upgrades guarantees that your online store is up to date, safe, and optimized to provide the greatest experience for you and your clients. This is a really good perk, especially because customers won’t be paying anything more for these updates.


Quite Expensive for Some Type of Business

Turbo Shopify has an impressive feature set, but at $425, it might be too expensive for novice sellers. Even though the advanced features and vast customization possibilities are impressive, new sellers who are not familiar with theme modification or coding may find them to be challenging to use. It may take some time and effort to become familiar with Turbo’s features in order to fully utilize it.

Alternative Themes to Turbo theme for Shopify

Loved the functionality of Turbo Shopify but thought the price was a little high? Eurus, another feature-rich Shopify theme, could be an excellent choice for budget-conscious sellers wishing to launch a successful online store.


Eurus Shopify theme was considered an alternative to the Shopify Turbo theme due to its extensive feature set, dynamic customization, and diverse presets (Breeze, Breath, Puff, Swirl, Whiff). This theme presently has 98% good evaluations, which may be an impressive number from customers.

Eurus now provides lifelong support, regular updates, and an unlimited trial, allowing you to address complicated needs for a high-performing store while ensuring consistent performance. Approved by the Shopify team, Eurus was confirmed through the complicated Theme Store submission process, ensuring a high-quality and seamlessly compatible experience for your online store.

Eurus shopify theme

Eurus Advanced Features

  • RTL language support: provides extensive support for languages that are read from left to right (RTL). This guarantees that customers who read Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, and other native languages that read from right to left will see your online store perfectly.
  • Advanced 4-level mega menu: while other themes only permit a maximum of a three-level mega menu, the Eurus allows users to construct the mega menu with up to 4-level layouts to display more product categories and product tiles.
  • Color/image swatches: allows you to set up unlimited color/visual swatches, therefore, your customer can see all the different colors, images, or any varian of products.
  • Product filtering: customers may easily reveal the items that meet all of those criteria by clicking on the desired key variants, such as size, shape, color, material, price, etc., with the powerful filtering & sorting option.
  • Shipping/delivery information: clearly displayed shipping and delivery information establishes trust with potential customers, this feature eliminates the hesitation, and effectively boosts conversions for your store.
  • Built-in marketing and conversion tools: Offers innovative features like pop-ups, countdown timers, event calendar, bundle and product/collection recommendations, etc.
  • Superior Speed: by lightweight code and design with Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. This results in a seamless user experience and remarkable speed score.

Take it now! Eurus now sells up to 35% at $230. Specially, you can get FREE shopify theme set up and design consulting if purchasing Eurus.

Wrapping Up

Shopify Turbo theme is a large theme that includes a number of features and dynamic customization. We also recommend the Eurus theme, which is also adaptable and would likely appeal to a wide range of merchants.

For those interested in learning more about Shopify theme tips and techniques, theme comparison, and theme reviews, visit OmniThemes, a comprehensive site for establishing online stores.
